Artikel mit Schlagwort Petrie Olympic Dressage

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Petrie Boots D060-5.0Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size  5.0 48-38.5-37.5

D060-5.0Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 5.0 48-38.5-37.5

Petrie Olympic Dressage is a full cow leather dressage with a 5 cm high bowl. The bootleg has an extraordinary elegant, slender fit. This is possible because of the zip at the inside front.On the inside the Olympic has been fully provided with a calf...

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D445-6.5 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 6.0 51-33 custom

D445-6.5 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 6.0 51-33 custom

Petrie Olympic Dressage is a full cow leather dressage with a 5 cm high bowl. The bootleg has an extraordinary elegant, slender fit. This is possible because of the zip at the inside front.On the inside the Olympic has been fully provided with a calf...

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D070-9.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage brown UK size  9.0 50-38 HE

D070-9.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage brown UK size 9.0 50-38 HE

Petrie Olympic Dressage is a full cow leather dressage with a 5 cm high bowl. The bootleg has an extraordinary elegant, slender fit. This is possible because of the zip at the inside front.On the inside the Olympic has been fully provided with a calf...

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D454-6.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 6.0 50-37 custom

D454-6.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 6.0 50-37 custom

Petrie Olympic Dressage is a full cow leather dressage with a 5 cm high bowl. The bootleg has an extraordinary elegant, slender fit. This is possible because of the zip at the inside front.On the inside the Olympic has been fully provided with a calf...

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D028-4.5 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size  4.5 48-35 XXHE

D028-4.5 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 4.5 48-35 XXHE

Petrie Olympic Dressage is a full cow leather dressage with a 5 cm high bowl. The bootleg has an extraordinary elegant, slender fit. This is possible because of the zip at the inside front.On the inside the Olympic has been fully provided with a calf...

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D059-4.5 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size  4.5 43-43 custom

D059-4.5 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 4.5 43-43 custom

Petrie Olympic Dressage is a full cow leather dressage with a 5 cm high bowl. The bootleg has an extraordinary elegant, slender fit. This is possible because of the zip at the inside front.On the inside the Olympic has been fully provided with a calf...

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D012-6.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 6.0 44-39 W13

D012-6.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 6.0 44-39 W13

Petrie Olympic Dressage is a full cow leather dressage with a 5 cm high bowl. The bootleg has an extraordinary elegant, slender fit. This is possible because of the zip at the inside front.On the inside the Olympic has been fully provided with a calf...

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D379-5.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 5.0 49-37 Series 7 XXLW

D379-5.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 5.0 49-37 Series 7 XXLW

Der Petrie Olympic Dressage ist ein Dressurstiefel aus Rindsleder mit einer 5 cm hohen Schale und einem Reißverschluss an der Innenseite. Der Stiefel hat eine durchgehend enge Passform, auch um den Knöchel herum, und ist außergewöhnlich elegant.

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D376-5.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 5.0 49-37 Series 7 XXLW

D376-5.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 5.0 49-37 Series 7 XXLW

Der Petrie Olympic Dressage ist ein Dressurstiefel aus Rindsleder mit einer 5 cm hohen Schale und einem Reißverschluss an der Innenseite.

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D375-5.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 5.0 50-36 Series 10 XXHE

D375-5.0 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 5.0 50-36 Series 10 XXHE

Der Petrie Olympic Dressage ist ein Dressurstiefel aus Rindsleder mit einer 5 cm hohen Schale und einem Reißverschluss an der Innenseite. Der Stiefel hat eine durchgehend enge Passform, auch um den Knöchel herum, und ist außergewöhnlich elegant.

€519,00 €467,10



Petrie Boots D030-6.5 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size  6.5 44-37 N

D030-6.5 Petrie Olympic Dressage black UK size 6.5 44-37 N

Petrie Olympic Dressage is a full cow leather dressage with a 5 cm high bowl. The bootleg has an extraordinary elegant, slender fit. This is possible because of the zip at the inside front.On the inside the Olympic has been fully provided with a calf...

€519,00 €467,10

Inkl. MwSt.
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