Artikel mit Schlagwort All Purpose boots with zipper at the back

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Petrie Rijlaarzen Petrie Dublin  CYB in cow leather
Petrie Rijlaarzen Petrie Dublin Classic cow leather CYB

Petrie Dublin Classic cow leather CYB

The new Petrie Dublin Classic cow leather CYB is made of fine smooth calf leather with a fully calf leather lined bootleg. The Dublin Classic has "Brogue" decoration on the foot, heel and at the top. The rear zipper runs down to the sole for a tighter fi


Petrie Rijlaarzen Petrie Dublin  CYB in calf leather

Petrie Dublin CYB in calf leather

The Dublin CYB is made of smooth soft calf leather with a fully calf leather lined bootleg. The Leeds is a very flexible boot, with a very tight fit throughout, even around the ankle. The rear zipper runs down the calf to the sole.


Petrie Rijlaarzen Petrie Dublin Classic CYB calfleather

Petrie Dublin Classic CYB calfleather

The new Dublin Classic CYB is made of fine smooth calf leather with a fully calf leather lined bootleg. The Dublin Classic has "Brogue" decoration on the foot, heel and at the top. The rear zipper runs down to the sole for a tighter fit around the ankl...


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